Parker Maxwell was born Aug 20th, at 9:08PM.  He weighed 7 lb 5 oz and was 21 inches long.  He got his first adjustment the next day after taking some fossa readings that are shown below.  He was having difficulty turning his head which was making breastfeeding difficult.  The temperature behind his ears were more than 1.71 degree off to the left side.  I adjusted his atlas and later that night the temperature difference went down to 0.1 degree difference.  He could turn his head evenly and more importantly was feeding much better.  It was by far the most important adjustment I have ever given and I feel so blessed to be able keep my son free of nervous system interfence.  Below are a few pictures of him through his first weekend and his first adjustment.  Enjoy!

Baby Parker getting scanned...

Baby Parker getting scanned...

Parker getting his first adjustment.

Parker getting his first adjustment.

First moments with mom and dad.

First moments with mom and dad.

The next morning at home in his very own bed.

The next morning at home in his very own bed.